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방금....패트릭이 단톡방에서 이러고갔는데 해석좀??

루넨 2017.12.30 18:59 Given Points
추천 수 ( 1 )

more and more dapps are moving to Qtum,   the gas price is cheaper (we will use dgp to Lower the gas price to 1/10 next month and the TPS is 3-4 times higher than Ethereum.. and the Currency layer is more secure too. utxo layer is fully tested by bitcoin and support native money management methods,, you never need write a Smart contract just for multisignature and also we support SPV protocol,, a lot of IOT Dapps are coming too..)  also not like other  "blockchain project", which only have 10 or 20 full nodes... Qtum aim to have 50000 full nodes in the next 2 years.


답변 (1)

SeanPark 2017.12.30 19:02
아래에 다 잇음
0 추천


순위 닉네임 포인트
1위 title: 스텔라쿵 캐리커쳐 #1타이어 7883995점
2위 슈퍼비트 6878050점
3위 title: 퀀텀아이콘빵먹는곰돌이 6667344점
4위 title: 스텔라쿵 캐리커쳐 #1미스릴 6591646점
5위 불꽃 6355650점
6위 지금감사 5822300점
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