

' ); this.title = ""; j_ptap(this).find('.gpe_page_tip') j_ptap('.gpe_page_tip').show(); }, function() {j_ptap('.gpe_page_tip').hide();j_ptap(this).children().remove();this.title = this.tip;} ); j_ptap('.gpe_page_user1').hover( function() { this.tip = this.title; j_ptap(this).append( '


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오늘의 내뇌망상...(이더리움관련)

진짜적 2017.10.26 22:14 조회 수 : 1961

출처 :  https://bitnewstoday.com/news/ethereum/vitalik-buterin-90-of-token-startups-will-fall/   (원문)

         https://www.moneynet.co.kr/index.php?mid=free_board&document_srl=156210  (번역)

비탈릭 부테린의 말로 생각해본 메트로 시점은...  2018~2019년 사이... 

원문의 일부 아래의 굵은글자 보시면... 토큰2.0이 나옵니다.. 

내뇌망상으로는 이때가... 완성시점이라고 봅니다...

부테린도 이제 찰리(라이트코인)처럼 영업들어가는걸까요?....

뭐.. 내뇌망상이니.... 그냥.. 주절거려봅니다...

 Vitalik Buterin believes, 90% of current ICO projects, even based on trusted ERC20 standard and even those listed on Coinmarketcap, will eventually crash. What we see right now is only the first version or first practical implementation of tokens, and “tokens 2.0” that will emerge somewhere between 2018 and 2019 will be much better. The hype around current token projects is doomed to fall, and after that, Buterin thinks, we all will finally understand which projects are worth investing and which are not. The ICO rating system is, indeed, one of the most serious problems the market is currently facing. But the market will mature, Ethereum founder assures. 

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