

' ); this.title = ""; j_ptap(this).find('.gpe_page_tip') j_ptap('.gpe_page_tip').show(); }, function() {j_ptap('.gpe_page_tip').hide();j_ptap(this).children().remove();this.title = this.tip;} ); j_ptap('.gpe_page_user1').hover( function() { this.tip = this.title; j_ptap(this).append( '


' ); this.title = ""; j_ptap(this).find('.gpe_page_tip') j_ptap('.gpe_page_tip').show(); }, function() {j_ptap('.gpe_page_tip').hide();j_ptap(this).children().remove();this.title = this.tip;} ); j_ptap('.gpe_page_user2').hover( function() { this.tip = this.title; j_ptap(this).append( '


' ); this.title = ""; j_ptap(this).find('.gpe_page_tip') j_ptap('.gpe_page_tip').show(); }, function() {j_ptap('.gpe_page_tip').hide();j_ptap(this).children().remove();this.title = this.tip;} ); j_ptap('.gpe_page_user3').hover( function() { this.tip = this.title; j_ptap(this).append( '


' ); this.title = ""; j_ptap(this).find('.gpe_page_tip') j_ptap('.gpe_page_tip').show(); }, function() {j_ptap('.gpe_page_tip').hide();j_ptap(this).children().remove();this.title = this.tip;} ); }); -->

일주일만 기다려도 좋은일 있을거예요.

hisus 2017.12.26 19:54 조회 수 : 1702 추천:14

Qtum Community & Development Updates: Week of December 14th-21st

It seems like a busy week is the norm for us lately. A lot of this is foreshadowing for 2018, with all the new events and press articles. Expect a strong Qtum public presence next year, as we are moving beyond the initial launch of our main network back in September. We have released many of the deliverables we said we would for 2017, some were missed, but a lot of new DAPPs were announced.

We understand many of you are waiting for some details about the United Bitcoin airdrop. Please be patient, we are waiting for the go ahead.

There has been a big uptick in the community lately, so thank you all for following our official channels. Everyone is welcome to join us in our journey to make Qtum the most influential smart contract platform.

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 큐바오(큐백x)Qrc20 코인 출금방법 [133] title: 퀀텀아이콘슈퍼스테이커 2021.02.24 57410
공지 [Q-helper] 퀀텀 코어의 수량이 맞지 않게 표시되는 오류 해결 방법 [1] title: 퀀텀아이콘슈퍼스테이커 2021.01.24 37628
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2457 업비트에서 코네로 퀀텀옮기는방법 [9] 풍운아 2017.12.26 2056
2456 유비트에 대한 정보가 많이 없긴하네요 [7] 다함께웃을수있게 2017.12.26 1318
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