얼마전 잉크방 에어드랍관련 글을 쓴 사람입니다.
오늘도 잉크방 관련 소식을 전달합니다.
사진은 못올리겠네요...ㅜ 모바일이라 그런가 ㅜㅜ
IMPORTANT NOTICE! We've noticed a number of accounts posting
a link to a Google doc wth the title : "(HSR) Hshare #airdrop ".
This was not made by us, and is a scam
DO NOT send tokens to these nefarious addresses. Thank you!
퀀텀 존버족으로써 새해복 많이 받으세요 ! 큐맨!
2018.01.02 11:27
2018.01.02 11:27
2018.01.02 11:27
2018.01.02 11:27
2018.01.02 11:27
2018.01.02 11:27
2018.01.02 11:27
2018.01.02 11:27
2018.01.02 11:27
2018.01.02 11:27
2018.01.02 11:27
2018.01.02 11:27
2018.01.02 11:27