자유게시판 뉴스 추가

양자투자자 2018.01.03 04:41 조회 수 : 2162 추천:7

End of phase 2

Published on Jan 2, 2018 3:24:48 PM

The Board Members of UnitedBitcoin (“UBTC”) have great pleasure in announcing that phase 2 is expected to end at block height 502,300 but the time and date take precedent, approximately 12:00 (UTC +8) on 3rd January 2018.

Following the end of phase 2, a reconciliation process will take place as follows;

1.     Verifying all the addresses which had a Bitcoin (“BTC”) balance greater than 0.01 BTC at block height 498,777.

2.     Verifying outgoing transaction between 494,000 and 502,300.

3.     Verifying all the addresses that transferred from address A to address A so the BTC fee can be refunded in UBTC. This is in relation to the initial phase 2 procedure which was simplified on 29 December 2017.

4.     Distribute UBTC to phase 2 participants.

We expect the processes mentioned above to be finalized no later than 24th January 2018.

We shall keep our social media accounts and our website up to date so please refer to those in the first instance. If you still require more information then please email [email protected]

A further announcement will be made in relation to the community airdrops, which communities will benefit as well as their respective ratios.

오피셜이 나올것 같네요. 우리에겐 마지막줄이 핵심입니다.

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