'+'방금 텔레그램에서 패트릭이 와서 트윗내용올리길래
Ask Patrick
Many Qtum based tokens are struggling as they do not support the QRC 20 on the exchange.
In this case, I think the Qtum Foundation should do something about it.
What do you think about this? In addition, there was a problem moving from the existing QRC 20 to ERC 20.
This is serious and I think it is a major impediment to becoming a platform coin.
If this problem is not resolved, can we reach the target of 300 DAPP?
Even if x86 is deployed, it is likely that there will be no benefit to it if the Exchange does not support the QRC20.
I think we'll only be able to achieve significant growth as a platform coin if the Exchange has the x86 base built on it and the x86 built on it.
As an investor, we would like to hear about the Qtum Foundation's specific plans on how to deal with the issue.
내용은 뭐 많은 퀀텀기반 토큰들이 QRC20을 거래소에서 지원안해주니 힘들다
이건 문제 있다고본다 하물며 QRC에서 ERC로 넘어가는 문제도 있었다
플폼코인으로 성장하려면 이문제를 해결해야한다 그래야 댑도 300개 가능하다
QRC20지원이 구축되고 그위에 X86을 구축해야 플랫폼코인으로 더큰 성장할수 있을거다
투자자로서 재단에서 이문제를 어떻게 해결할껀지 듣고싶다
뭐 이런내용입니다~
개인적으론 QEA에서 좋은회사들이 많이 됬으면 좋겠네요 EEA보면 부럽쓰..
이전게시물 에너고 얘기를 참조해서 다시한번물엇고 패트릭 답장이왔습니다
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