'+'밑에 많은 분들이 한국인 채널 매니저에 대한 필요성에 공감하셔서..
제가 운영진도 아니긴하지만.
패트릭하고 스텔라에게
한국 퀀텀 커뮤니티에서 그런의견이 있으니 한국인 staff을 채용하는것을 고려해 줄 수 있냐고
문의를 했습니다.
텔레그램 개인메시지로 보냈는데..
답변이 올런지는 모르겠네요.
워낙 개인메시지 많이 받는 사람들일테니..
아래는 보낸 메시지 전문입니다. 참고하세요.
Dear Patrick Dai, My name is Chris who is one of Korean Qtum investor. Nice to meet you via telegram. On behalf of Korean qtum community members, I want to share there opinion. There are lots of korean qtum investors as you know, however there are no Korean staff in qtum foundation. So, Korean qtum holders have very restricted way to communicate with foundation. As you already know lots of other foundation have korean staff for the managing korean investors. Would you consider to hire korean staff as a channel manager? A lot of korean qtum holders want that. Best Regards, Chris
2018.06.08 14:46
2018.06.08 14:51
2018.06.08 14:53
2018.06.08 14:54
2018.06.08 15:02
2018.06.08 15:08
2018.06.08 16:03
2018.06.08 16:12
2018.06.08 16:18
2018.06.08 16:18
2018.06.08 16:38
2018.06.08 18:14
2018.06.08 21:45