
trustwallet 텔방 AMA 내용들

title: 퀀텀아이콘껀텀 2019.06.14 03:23 조회 수 : 2493 추천:14



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 00:57]



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 00:57]

so nice to join the trust wallet group! nice to meet everyone.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 00:57]

nice to meet everyone


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 00:58]

thanks Mario !  cool


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 00:58]

here we go


Mario, [14.06.19 01:00]

Silence :)


Mario, [14.06.19 01:00]

Good morning, good afternoon and good evening ladies and gentlemen :)


Mario, [14.06.19 01:00]

Before we get started, lets run through the basics


Mario, [14.06.19 01:00]

1.)  You're not banned. Please read the pinned message.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:00]

"Don’t panic! You’re not banned, you are just muted for portions of the Qtum x Trust Wallet AMA.


The AMA will be happening as follows:


Segment 1: Mario will ask Patrick a few questions


Segment 2: Patrick will ask the chat 5 questions, A link to a google form will be sent into the chat for each question,

 so a total of 5 Google forms. Each Google form will open for 120 seconds. 

Participants must fill in (a) the answer and (b)

Qtum deposit address (c) 85 Qtum per question to be divided among all the participants who sent in correct answers.

 So total 425 Qtum to be given out! 


Segment 3: Audience asks Patrick questions about Qtum. Take some time to think up some really good questions.

 Patrick will select five of the best questions to win 5 Qtum each! (75 QTUM total)


500 Qtum will be givenaway in total.


If you enter your deposit address wrong etc there is no changing it.


If you don't have a Qtum deposit address you will be unable to claim the giveaway


Mario, [14.06.19 01:01]

2.) Download Trust Wallet NOW so you have your Qtum deposit address ready


Mario, [14.06.19 01:01]

(any Qtum address will do)


Mario, [14.06.19 01:01]

3.) Don't spam or post links during the question segment as our bot will kick you


Mario, [14.06.19 01:01]

Today we are honoured to host an AMA with Qtum!


Mario, [14.06.19 01:01]

And its my pleasure to introduce Qtum Founder, Patrick Dai!


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:01]

thanks for rules mario.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:02]

There you are @patrickdai, welcome!


Mario, [14.06.19 01:02]

Before we start with the questions, would you be able to give us a brief intro on Qtum, please Patrick?


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:02]

it's great please to join the group and answer questions from the community


Mario, [14.06.19 01:02]

We are all very excited to have you :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:04]

Qtum is the first UTXO based Smart contract Platform, we started from 2016,

the initial idea is to add smart contact on bitcoin, 

but obviously it's impossible because the Governance of bitcoin. so we released qtum by ourselves. and we made it happen.   

Qtum is based on proof of stake, and we have more than 5400 full nodes globally.  and we support EVM.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:04]

right now, we are working on a new VM, X86, which can support more language to write smart contact.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:05]

if you count the full nodes, i think Qtum is the biggest POS network.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:05]

Awesome, what about yourself? A quick intro for the people who might not know who you are :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:08]

yes, i joined the industry since 2012 when i was prepare my PHD in CAS in China, and start the whole journey of Blockchain.. 

 pretty early bitcoin Miner in china and know the industry pretty well.

and had a short working experience in alibaba too in 2015, after that,

 full time in Qtum almost 3 years now.  plan keep working on qtum until we build Qtum a big success.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:08]



Mario, [14.06.19 01:08]



Mario, [14.06.19 01:08]

Thats Great! Shall we get started?


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:08]



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:08]

let's start


Mario, [14.06.19 01:08]

So, for this segment i will ask you a few questions :)


Mario, [14.06.19 01:09]

First Question: What is the Qtum x86 VM and how does it work? Explain it to me like I am 5!


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:11]

in simple is, EVM is not a mature design of software, it's still early stage,

we want bring the classic and mature design VM to this Blockchain industry.  

The Qtum x86 VM is a new virtual machine for smart contracts


So basically every smart contract platform today uses some kind of “virtual machine”.

 This is basically Ethereum’s world computer concept for executing the smart contract logic and all on a global blockchain. 

Ethereum’s computer however, was designed in very strange ways compared to real world computers. 

This means it requires specialized tooling to use easily, and this tooling and the odd design

of this computer has led to many security problems in Ethereum.


Meanwhile, with Qtum-x86, we are aiming to replace this computer, or at least make it so that there is another choice

of computer on the Qtum network. 

x86 is literally the processor being used in your computer and laptop right now.

 It is what developers and programmers have been using for decades.

As such, the tooling and workflows around x86 are very well established and stabilized. 

Qtum-x86 allows you to bring this stability into your smart contract code.


In more adult terms, this means common programming language support like for Rust, C, or Go. 

We’re also planning to debut a number of other features integrated

into Qtum-x86: rent-based storage to limit the amount of resources required by nodes,

 UTXO-based storage to greatly simplify some state channel and scaling implementations,

and UTXO awareness for smart contracts.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:12]

Interesting, thanks for clearing that up :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:13]

our Cofounder and  lead developer earlz is leading this Project, it's amazing and have a lot of process recently.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:13]

We will have him on later too if im not mistaken :)


Mario, [14.06.19 01:13]

Lets continue with question 2


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:13]



Mario, [14.06.19 01:13]

2.) What is Unita and how does it benefit Qtum?


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:16]

Unita is the enterprise version of Qtum. It uses a different consensus algorithm for consortia. 

Unita is doing some high TPS design and Crosschain design,, all the tech can move to qtum easily,

the Unita TPS can reach to 10000,

 and the Crosschain will allow exchange Value and Data between different Blockchains.  

  In long term, we plan to develop some gate way between Unita and Qtum public Blockchain, 

so all the Enterprise activity can also benifit Qtum network and Qtum coin holders.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:17]



Mario, [14.06.19 01:17]

Next question is something that interests me personally :)


Mario, [14.06.19 01:17]

3.) Can I Stake Qtum on Trust Wallet? When will it be available?


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:17]



Mario, [14.06.19 01:18]



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:19]

waiting for it  haha


Mario, [14.06.19 01:20]

hehe me too


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:20]

did not see the questions yet from my side


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:20]



Mario, [14.06.19 01:20]

3.) Can I Stake Qtum on Trust Wallet? When will it be available?


Mario, [14.06.19 01:20]

Now? :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:21]

maybe too many message make telegram crazy


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:21]

saw it now


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:21]



Mario, [14.06.19 01:21]

Yes Telegram might be under pressure




Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:26]

right now, you can not stake Qtum in Trust wallet. because right now, you can only run a full node to stake qtum, 

 the reason is to maintain the decentralization of Qtum network,  we choose the MPOS as our Consensus algorithm now, 

it's no barrier for any staker to join the Qtum network.  right now, 

i think Qtum is one of the most decentralized network now with more than 5400 full nodes only after Bitcoin and Ethereum.  

 In long term,, YES! you can stake through Trust wallet. We are trying to implement a new Consensus algorithm for Qtum, 

We call it Smart contract based POS or Contract POS, or CPOS,,

 will allow you delegate your stake or network weight to a Smart Contract, then the Smart Contract can be the delegation 

and get the network reward and send all the reward to the people who voted before. it's the first time in the whole industry,

you can use smart contract to stake, 

 it's a great innovation and more advanced than DPOS or other Consensus. We are working on it.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:26]

here we go.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:27]

Sounds very interesting, can't wait to stake my Qtum with Trust ??


Mario, [14.06.19 01:27]

Ready for Q4?


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:27]

The CPOS is exciting, basically means, Trust wallet can deploy a contact, 

and Trust wallet user can stake from the mobile and get the reward sent from the smart contact, 

it's automatically and clear.  

and with more flexibility than Dpos.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:28]

because right now, the Delegation is Smart Contract.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:28]

and Smart Contract can have infinite logic


Mario, [14.06.19 01:28]

Staking from mobile sweet, can't wait! :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:28]

yes. ready for Q4.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:28]



Mario, [14.06.19 01:29]

4.) What are QIPs and what is so special about QIP-19?


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:35]



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:35]

answer been removed


Mario, [14.06.19 01:36]

QIP is similar like BIP, like Bitcoin improvement proposals, so we can keep updating

Qtum network and keep bring exciting Technology to Qtum. 

 The QIP is great Proposal, here is the proposal:   

, so basically, After we release Qtum2.0 in September,

 We will working on QIP19, it will enable use Mimble Wimble Technology to release confidential assets

on Qtum, we did huge research on all privacy solutions,

 and we think the MW Technology is one of the Best. So After QIP 19, you can release Confidential assets

and Confidential token on Qtum network. 

 For privacy coin like Zcash and XMR or DASH, it's purely a coin, but no smart contract Platform,

For Platform like ETH and EOS, have smart contact,

 but no Privacy, So Qtum want be the First Smart Contract Platform with Privacy,

We also think to Airdrop some Privacy Asset later, but this not decided yet.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:36]

ok cool


Mario, [14.06.19 01:36]

Yes sorry, our bot cant tell friend from foe sometimes :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:37]

We think Privacy is one of the most important thing for real business.. So that's one of our direction after Qtum 2.0.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:37]

Smart contract Platform with MW privacy, that sounds like a huge deal!


Mario, [14.06.19 01:38]

Im sure people are already looking forward to the airdrop :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:38]

Basically All the ERC20 or other tokens is transparent now.  We want be the first smart contract Platform to support

Mimble Wimble, 

and we have some design on going now, and should be finished this year. We keep a closed eye on all the

Mimble Wimble Technology.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:39]

Great, certainly amazing tech


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:39]

yes the first Mimble Wimble asset will be released by Qtum, and we are thinking how all Qtum community can benifits.

we will more clear when we finish it .


Mario, [14.06.19 01:40]

[In reply to Patrick@Qtum Dai]

Make sure to follow qtum on Twitter and there TG to stay up to date :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:40]

it's basically you can create your own Grin or Beam on Qtum. but with Smart contact support.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:40]

or a Confidential crypto Kitty


Mario, [14.06.19 01:40]



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:41]

or Confidential bond.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:41]

Ok chat, before we move to question 5, last warning chat


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:41]

ok sorry let'd do Q5.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:38]

Im sure people are already looking forward to the airdrop :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:38]

Basically All the ERC20 or other tokens is transparent now.  We want be the first smart contract Platform to support

Mimble Wimble, 

and we have some design on going now, and should be finished this year. We keep a closed eye on all the

Mimble Wimble Technology.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:39]

Great, certainly amazing tech


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:39]

yes the first Mimble Wimble asset will be released by Qtum, and we are thinking how all Qtum community can benifits. 

we will more clear when we finish it .


Mario, [14.06.19 01:40]

[In reply to Patrick@Qtum Dai]

Make sure to follow qtum on Twitter and there TG to stay up to date :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:40]

it's basically you can create your own Grin or Beam on Qtum. but with Smart contact support.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:40]

or a Confidential crypto Kitty


Mario, [14.06.19 01:40]



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:41]

or Confidential bond.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:41]

Ok chat, before we move to question 5, last warning chat


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:41]

ok sorry let'd do Q5.



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:41]

ok sorry let'd do Q5.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:41]

QtumOfficial (@QtumOfficial) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from QtumOfficial ( 

Qtum is a decentralized application platform capable of running

Smart Contracts 

on multiple virtual machines....


Mario, [14.06.19 01:41]

No worries this is interesting stuff :)


Mario, [14.06.19 01:41]

make sure you follow qtum on twitter to learn more and stay up to date


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:41]

i downloaded trust wallet for my Qtum, it's nice user experience.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:41]

thank you :)


Mario, [14.06.19 01:42]

Everyone: you will need a Qtum deposit address


Mario, [14.06.19 01:42]

so run and get one (just download Trust Wallet) :)


Mario, [14.06.19 01:42]

Question 5) What's the reason for US people not being able to trade Qtum on certain exchanges?




Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:48]


yes, people asked the questions in our community,  we talked to bittrex, i think they are not sure too.

 but from the feedback, i think it's some exchanges decision, few of the reasons, 

1 earlier we were too busy to fill some KYC form for the exchanges 

 2 some of the exchange do not have enough Qtum trading volume 

 3 the third reason is what people worried earlier, like the regulation reasons,,

but from all the feedback we can see, it's not the regulation reason.

 Because Qtum is still been trade on Kraken and Poloniex, which is more strict than a lot of exchanges. 

 So the most likely reason should be exchange made some decision by themselves. 

 also a good news is we are still talking to some other major US exchanges.. 

Qtum is one of the most decentralized network which have more 5400 full nodes, and earlier, 

we did all the efforts to make everything under regulation and been complianced. So personally,

i do not think it's a big Problem.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:49]

Im sure alot of users will be relieved to hear that


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:49]



Mario, [14.06.19 01:49]

I wish qtum all the best for the future


Mario, [14.06.19 01:49]

Thank you so much for answering my questions Patrick!


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:50]

thanks Mario, Qtum is aim to stay in long term, it's still the early stage of whole Blockchain industry. we will do our best.


Mario, [14.06.19 01:50]

Okay, chat. This is how the next part is going to work:


Mario, [14.06.19 01:50]

Patrick will ask the chat 5 questions, a link to a google form will be sent into the chat for each question, so a total of 5 Google forms. 

Each Google form will open for 120 seconds. 

Participants must fill in (a) the answer and (b) 

Qtum deposit address (c) 85 Qtum per question to be divided among all the participants who sent in correct answers.

 So total 425 Qtum to be given out!


Mario, [14.06.19 01:51]

You ready with the first question Patrick?


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:52]



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:52]

ready to go


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:49]



Mario, [14.06.19 01:52]

yep hit it


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:52]

keyboard is ready


Mario, [14.06.19 01:53]

just waiting for your question :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:53]

Q1. What consensus mechanism does Qtum use?


Mario, [14.06.19 01:53]

OK Chat


Mario, [14.06.19 01:53]



Mario, [14.06.19 01:53]



Mario, [14.06.19 01:53]



Mario, [14.06.19 01:53]



Mario, [14.06.19 01:53]



Mario, [14.06.19 01:53]


Mario, [14.06.19 01:53]

120 seconds


Mario, [14.06.19 01:54]

60 seconds


Mario, [14.06.19 01:55]

time is over


Mario, [14.06.19 01:55]

Lets ask the chat what they answered!


Mario, [14.06.19 01:56]

I see a lot of the same answers, ready to enlighten us Patrick? :)


Mario, [14.06.19 01:57]

What was the correct answer Patrick?


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:57]



Mario, [14.06.19 01:58]

Ready for Question 2?


Mario, [14.06.19 01:58]

Ready for Question 2?


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:58]

let's collect  all the correct answer first, we will do some surprise later.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:58]

ok Q2  here we go


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 01:58]

What type of blockchain does Qtum use? Account model or the UTXO model ?


Mario, [14.06.19 01:59]


Mario, [14.06.19 02:01]

Looks like everyone is one the same boat... Are they right Patrick? :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:02]

Yes!  we are based on satoshi's bitcoin design that's UTXO can allow us do parallel transactions

and more Privacy and more Native multisignature.


Mario, [14.06.19 02:02]

Good ol' Satoshi... Ready for Q3?


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:02]



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:02]



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:03]

Account model can only do one to one transaction.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:03]

but for UTXO you can do 1 to M transaction or M to N transactions.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:03]



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:03]

For Q3


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:03]

Q3. How many Qtum do you need to run a full node?


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:03]

here we go


Mario, [14.06.19 02:04]


Mario, [14.06.19 02:06]

And chat, how many?


Mario, [14.06.19 02:07]

Looks like this one caught people by surprise :)


Mario, [14.06.19 02:07]

How many Qtum nodes are needed Patrick?


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:08]

seems no links


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:09]

this one is tricky though..  the correct answer is 0.   you do not really need any Qtum to Run a Qtum full nodes,

 all you need is download the QT wallet and download the Blockchain, you can run a Qtum full nodes..

but if you want stake Qtum and get some reward 

(4 Qtum per block), you do need some Qtum.. but here you can run a full node 

and get some free Qtum: f you want to run a full node and potentially earn more Qtum, you should join

our full node incentive program:


Mario, [14.06.19 02:09]

If you want to run a full node and potentially earn more Qtum,

 you should join our full node incentive program:


Mario, [14.06.19 02:09]

[In reply to Patrick@Qtum Dai]

I got you :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:10]

We have more than 2000 full nodes joined this plan.. just keep your computer will get some chance.


Mario, [14.06.19 02:10]

Great news for everyone! Ready to release Q4?


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:10]



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:10]

Q4. How many Qtum nodes are running right now?


Mario, [14.06.19 02:10]


Mario, [14.06.19 02:13]

A lot of guesses in the 5000+ range


Mario, [14.06.19 02:13]

Patrick? :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:14]

5476 at this minute..


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:14]



Mario, [14.06.19 02:14]



Mario, [14.06.19 02:14]

Ready for the last quiz question?


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:14]

so between 5400-5500 should be correct answer... we are updating this nodes map like every 30 minutes


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:15]



Mario, [14.06.19 02:15]


Mario, [14.06.19 02:15]

Here you can check


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:15]

the last question:


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:15]

Q5. When did Qtum Mainnet launch (month/year)?


Mario, [14.06.19 02:15]

drum roll


Mario, [14.06.19 02:15]


Mario, [14.06.19 02:18]

Looks like most people got the same date


Mario, [14.06.19 02:18]

Are they correct? :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:18]

2  years anniversary after 3 months.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:18]

it's correct


Mario, [14.06.19 02:18]

September 2017! :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:19]



Mario, [14.06.19 02:19]

Great thanks Patrick!


Mario, [14.06.19 02:19]

Ok chat, its time for the last segment!




Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:19]

thanks Mario,  it's great !


Mario, [14.06.19 02:19]

We have some special guests for this segment as well! ??


Mario, [14.06.19 02:19]

Welcome CIO Miguel Palencia and Lead Dev Jordan Earls of Qtum!


Mario, [14.06.19 02:19]

@mikehash and @earlzdotnet are you guys here? ??


QTUM-Mike, [14.06.19 02:19]

Hi Mario, yes


Jordan Earls, [14.06.19 02:19]

Hey everyone ??


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:19]

welcome man!


QTUM-Mike, [14.06.19 02:20]

Hi everyone !


Mario, [14.06.19 02:20]

Hey guys, glad you could join us :)


Mario, [14.06.19 02:20]

Everyone ready for some chat questions?


QTUM-Mike, [14.06.19 02:20]

Hey we're glad to be here, this is really fun!


Mario, [14.06.19 02:20]

And remember Chat, we're gonna do 3 rounds


QTUM-Mike, [14.06.19 02:20]



Mario, [14.06.19 02:20]

Please don't spam and don't post any links as our Bot will kick you!


Mario, [14.06.19 02:20]

I will open the chat now and give you 60 seconds to post your question


Mario, [14.06.19 02:20]











Mario, [14.06.19 02:21]

That are already alot of questions!


Mario, [14.06.19 02:21]

I guess 30 seconds are enough :) we have 2 more rounds


Mario, [14.06.19 02:22]

Okay Patrick, Miguel and Jordan, please, go ahead and answer some questions :)


Mario, [14.06.19 02:22]

Please pick 5 each round


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:22]

ok  cool


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:22]



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:22]

i feel the hot...


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:23]

hot in shanghai now


QTUM-Mike, [14.06.19 02:23]

[In reply to cat cat]

We're currently working towards integrating stablecoins on Qtum (we can't disclose yet which)

but we will let the community know for sure!


QTUM-Mike, [14.06.19 02:25]

[In reply to Th Dez]

We have an ongoing documentation website which is being led by Earls himself, 

it's here - it's currently a work in progress but will surely help you to get started.


Jordan Earls, [14.06.19 02:26]

"How was your journey from the early days of Qtum foundation? Did you enjoy it?" 

It was really a ton of collaboration and active meetings trying to figure out the technical design of Qtum, 

much less the marketing and direction on that side. 

It was very enjoyable, especially when we finally figured out the key technical aspects that made Qtum a reality


QTUM-Mike, [14.06.19 02:27]

[In reply to P LC]

Technically there's no minimum amount required, but keep in mind there's a large number of people staking, 

and some big wallets as well. You should consider above 500 Qtum to be able to have better chances of staking.


Jordan Earls, [14.06.19 02:27]

"Does Qtum support calling contracts with multiple signature addresses?" 

It does if you're using solidity based signature checking (similar to Ethereum). 

However, currently smart contracts are not aware of multisig addresses

and things like that for "native" multi signature support.

 We have a QIP in the works that will probably be implemented next year to add this functionality though, 

and the functionality will be native to Qtum-x86 due to it's core design


Mario, [14.06.19 02:27]

Awesome the first 5 answers are in ! :)


Mario, [14.06.19 02:28]

Be ready with your questions for round 2 chat!


QTUM-Mike, [14.06.19 02:28]

In general, if anyone has tech support questions or want to be part of our community,

please feel free to join our Telegram:


Mario, [14.06.19 02:28]

Yes join the Qtum TG!


Mario, [14.06.19 02:28]

Ready for round 2 guys?


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:28]

[In reply to ak Kumar | Via Manage]

Qtum Proof of Stake have no enter barrier, anyone even you have 1 Qtum, you can join the network and start staking

 and also have the possibility to mine a Qtum block. that's the reason why 

Qtum have more than 5400 full nodes are running and have more than 2000 full nodes got the block reward

in different times. 

 As a decentralized Platform,, we think the decentralizaition is very important. 

So we made the network no enter barrier and everyone can join the network and have the possibility to verify the full block. 

 but a lot of other protocol or Platform,,, no mater DPOS or PBFT,, you can only trust the delegation

or the selected nodes.. or the masternodes... 

you can not verify by yourself... i think some how.. in long's not a good direction

if you want build a trustless currency like bitcoin.



QTUM-Mike, [14.06.19 02:28]



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:28]



Jordan Earls, [14.06.19 02:29]

Ready ??


Mario, [14.06.19 02:29]

Okay, lets do round 2!













Mario, [14.06.19 02:30]

Ok... Have at it guys :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:30]

[In reply to Ragil]

Qtum block reward will halve every 4 year,, so in theory,, the total Qtum will be less than 108M Qtum in 100 years.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:32]

[In reply to Wozuu Anpassen ??]

The rise of the public blockchain also known as Permissionless Blockchain concept was in 2015. After IBM engaged

in the Permission Blockchain,

 it slowly developed. In fact, in the earliest days of the industry, no one called BTC as a public blockchain,

 because BTC had little functionality than being a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. 

Ethereum led great breakthrough in 2016 and 2017. Ethereum's goal is not to replace BTC.

 Instead, it is to become a dapp and smart contract platform by replacing BTC’s script with Virtual machine, 

which has more powerful computation and more flexible. So, in its early stage,

Ethereum's goal is to be a global verifiable computing platform. 

But this year more and more people have realized that, because all the nodes must perform synchronous logic, 

such a computing platform faces the constraints because of its initial design framework,

and its future scalability is also a huge question.


In 2018, EOS emerged but was still designed along the idea of implementing smart contracts and dapps, 

did not bring about the essential changes in the industry's technological progress or design ideas. 

It used Dpos mechanism to reduce the number of nodes and used more powerful hardware to replace PCs used by the BTC,

 and ETH to achieve better performance, and thus meeting the needs of some developers. 


At present, most of the public blockchains are still moving along the path that Ethereum has traveled, 

but perhaps this is not a good direction. I think the industry needs more reflection on this fundamental problem

and explores some new directions.

 Perhaps it is a wrong direction to seek breakthrough of the industry by upgrading the original design ideas

and design framework. 

Qtum is exploring some new direction in this industry.. we will keep innovative and keep building the best tech.


Mario, [14.06.19 02:33]

wow what an aswer :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:34]

[In reply to NO4M3]

yes, Download Trust wallet.


QTUM-Mike, [14.06.19 02:34]

[In reply to Rob]

Hi Rob, you can think of Qtum as an improvement on existing protocols, the idea behind Qtum was to create a stable,

 powerful, flexible and compatible blockchain platform. 

The result is, it is fully decentralized, secure and can execute Smart Contracts built for the EVM.

Qtum continues to evolve and the x86VM will be a game changer in the industry as it'll allow for powerful

and complex blockchain applications.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:35]

[In reply to Jatin Kalra]

yes Mutisignature and lighting network through satellite.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:36]

[In reply to Rocky]

check all the QIPs


Jordan Earls, [14.06.19 02:36]

"Hello, how do you think X86 VM will be a better way for developers to build dAPPS and smart contracts?" 

Admittingly, there is a lot of details and complexity around the x86 VM. 

But the important bits are that you will be capable of using existing tooling and workflows

for modern non-blockchain programming,

 but now on a blockchain. This massively increases the hiring pool, allows for usage of modern security auditing tools, 

and many more. Beyond that, we're also planning to introduce several features that leverage our unique

UTXO based blockchain,

 and expose that power to x86 smart contracts. UTXO models have been massively researched

in Ethereum actually for various scaling 

and privacy solutions, and Qtum having native support for UTXOs will allow for the build out of these technologies

to be much more powerful.

 We plan to expose this power in 2 primary ways, making it so that smart contracts are aware of the UTXOs

on the blockchain and can react to them,

 and finally, to allow for UTXO based storage, so that tokens and bits of data can be transferred easily in an

authenticated way, 

off chain through similar concepts as lightning networks. And finally, last thing I want to mention

is that we will be using a rent-based storage in it. 

This will mean that smart contracts must pay for the storage they consume, 

but we will allow for users to pay for only the data in that smart contract that is relevant to them.. and of course,

 ultimately this will place a hard limit on the amount of space and resources a node requires in order to

 run a Qtum full node and participate in staking and such


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:36]

[In reply to Change is now]

We are using EVM now which have more developers now, and also X86 VM on the way.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:37]

[In reply to Ricky Roy]

We focused too much on the Technology not the marketing..but we will improve it.


Mario, [14.06.19 02:38]

Ready for the last round?


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:38]

[In reply to trader]

need ask google.  haha   just kidding.. but  we will focus on the tech first and then some real applications.


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:38]



Jordan Earls, [14.06.19 02:38]

I think so ??













Mario, [14.06.19 02:40]

Ok guys time to pick the last questions!


QTUM-Mike, [14.06.19 02:41]

[In reply to 젊은 딸]

Yes, actually there's several options to use your Qtum to buy things in real life!



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:41]

wow i will try my best


Jordan Earls, [14.06.19 02:41]

[In reply to cat cat]

YEs, QIP-9 is for changing our difficulty algorithm in order to make block times more consistent.

It will not make the block times faster or anything, 

only more consistent to our 2 mintue goal. One of our community leaders JB (I believe he's in our telegram) 

has posted a lot of fgreat blog posts with reports and graphs and such that simulate the behavior of Qtum before

and after this change. REallyh interesting stuff,

 and it's described in such a way that it doesn't require a PhD to understand ??


Mario, [14.06.19 02:42]

Use that sounds familiar ;)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:42]

[In reply to Karan Ji]

Learning from BTC fork and disputes, we have designed the Qtum Decentralized Governance Protocol,

to implement the governance assumptions on the chain.

 For example, after voting on parameters such as block size, block reward, and gas price, the network does

not need to be forked for upgrade. 

Tezos has further explored in a similar direction.

Overall, follow the process of software development, introduce some chain governance mechanisms,

involve the community to participate extensively, 

and improve decision-making efficiency and iteration speed.


QTUM-Mike, [14.06.19 02:44]

[In reply to Raghav Ghildiyal]

We are currently working on our partner clouds (AWS and Google Cloud) towards building a kubernetes-based solution

featuring Unita.

 This should take a few months to finish testing and going live.


Mario, [14.06.19 02:44]

[In reply to Jordan Earls]


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:45]

[In reply to XYZ]

it's kind of answer how do you compare different public Blockchains... i do have some thoughts on this questions

and thought it a lot earlier:  

 Following are some simple metrics from a technical perspective evaluating a public blockchain   


1 Openness: Can anyone join this network and become a full node? Bitcoin-like networks, although the entire network

is very computationally intensive,

 but as an individual, you still have the opportunity to solo mine bitcoin, and theoretically,

there is still the possibility of mine a block. 

 I think this kind of probabilistic openness is very important for the consensus of a public blockchain,

because this probability eliminates the possibility 

of continuous evil.


2 The number of full nodes: the number of full nodes is the simplest metric to measure the degree of decentralization of the

public blockchain. 

For example, there are more than 10,000 full nodes in the BTC network, and there are about 6 to 7,000 full nodes in the eth, 

and there are about 4,000 full nodes distributed in 65 countries around the world for Qtum. 

The number of full nodes is a very important metrics of the public blockchain.


3 Global TPS: global TPS is a concept I proposed before. At present, the current concept of TPS in the industry does not have much meaning. 

  If a network has only 3 full nodes and a network has 3000 full nodes, to compare their TPS does not make any sense. 

Global TPS = Full nodes Amount * per node TPS, I think this indicator is a better measurement of the performance of

a public-chain network.

 For example, for BTC, although the tps is only about 4, but with 10,000 full nodes, 4*1 million = 40,000 global tps, its performance is pretty good.


4 Unlimited flexibility and scalability: an application-oriented public blockchain needs smart contracts

to provide unlimited flexibility. 

Qtum is also planning on this. There is currently no platform with unlimited expansion. 


5 Security and reliability: This requires code to undergo long-term testing, auditing and iteration. 

This is the foundation of a public blockchain. Not all new consensus mechanism or new virtual machines are good. 

When dealing with users’ funds, it requires a long-term test. In a sense, part of the value of BTC is that the test of time.


6 The public chain does not have a unified evaluation index and system, and the industry needs to together establish

some effective evaluation metrics.

One in paticular that you can share with us? :)


Jordan Earls, [14.06.19 02:46]

[In reply to Hieon]

I think that this is a big question for the entire blockchain industry. But from our view,

we see 3 major pain points with mass adoption:


1. Scaling and instant transactions -- No one wants to wait 2 minutes for their payment for coffee to confirm


2. Security -- The public confidence in blockchain and smart contracts

has been shaken a lot due to the various ethereum hacks in smart contracts.

 I believe the money lost was over $200M. This must be fixed for the public to trust it


3. Privacy -- No one wants to broadcast to the world everything they purchase, or what applications they interact with. 

Smart contracts and blockchain are no different


At Qtum, we are actively researching all 3 aspects. Privacy through MimbleWimble, 

Security imrpovements in smart contracts through the x86 VM, and finally, 

scaling/instant transactions through a few different technologies including "chain of chains" stuff, and lightning networks,

and generalized state channels.


Jordan Earls, [14.06.19 02:47]

[In reply to Mario]




Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:48]

[In reply to ZachZwei??]

at the first day. Qtum is POS.. while Ethereum is still moving to POS now/.


QTUM-Mike, [14.06.19 02:48]

[In reply to Jordan Earls]



Mario, [14.06.19 02:48]

Great, guys! Looks like we got a lot of questions answered today


Jordan Earls, [14.06.19 02:48]

[In reply to Rocky]

Soon, with the mainnet integration set for late next year! Unfortunately we missed some deadlines due to redesigns... 

We figured out that x86 needed to be more than just about supporting other languages than solidity for smart contracts


Mario, [14.06.19 02:49]

Lets wrap it up!


Mario, [14.06.19 02:49]

Thank you for joining our first Trust Wallet x AMA everyone! :)


Darc, [14.06.19 02:49]



Mario, [14.06.19 02:49]

Patrick, Miguel, Jordan, thank you so much for spending your time with us! I had a lot of fun and i'm sure that chat did also!


Jordan Earls, [14.06.19 02:50]

Thank you for having us, it was great!


QTUM-Mike, [14.06.19 02:50]

[In reply to Mario]

Thank you so much for having us here, it was really fun!


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:50]

[In reply to XYZ]

another reason: The Qtum project is also continuing to update all of Bitcoin's iterations. 

We are the only project on the market that continues to follow and merge all of Bitcoin's iterations. 

Our underlying codebase has been compatible with the latest version of Bitcoin.

This not only creates synergy of the ecology

 and also guarantees the security of our project. 

Qtum's team has helped Bitcoin Core discover a deadly bitcoin source code vulnerability that is not previously known.

 This vulnerability can enable minting of BTC. If exploited, this bug can change the total amount

of BTC to be more than 21 million.

 Fortunately, before the Qtum team discovered it independently and notified the Bitcoin Core team to fix it, 

no one used this vulnerability to exploit the attack. Details on the Bitcoin inflation bug can be found here.


Mario, [14.06.19 02:50]

Anytime guys, Anytime :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:50]



Mario, [14.06.19 02:50]

Looks Patrick doesnt want to stop :)


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:50]

thank you very much!


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:50]



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:50]

i did not notice the message


QTUM-Mike, [14.06.19 02:50]



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:50]

thank you guys!


Mario, [14.06.19 02:50]

There will be plenty of time on the Qtum telegram to answer more questions


Mario, [14.06.19 02:50]

Also make sure to follow Qtum on Twitter (


Mario, [14.06.19 02:51]

And jump across to the Qtum TG to find out the winners of segment 3! (


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:51]

so nice to have this chance,  great thanks for Trust Wallet!


Mario, [14.06.19 02:51]

Again Thank you to the Qtum guys! It was a pleasure


Mario, [14.06.19 02:51]

I will open the chat now.... unleash the hounds lol!


Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:51]

Trust Wallet!


Mario, [14.06.19 02:51]



Ragil, [14.06.19 02:51]



Patrick@Qtum Dai, [14.06.19 02:51]

Thank You!


trader, [14.06.19 02:51]

Good night @patrickdai

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